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Echo clan, Blind company,Scorpius Trio.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The ultimate Hotwheel race!

I am a hotwheel car. My name is Spine Buster. I love racing. I am in black and red paint job. I'm in the ultimate hotwheel's race.
Today is Friday, the day of the race. I have to go to the race track at 6:00am. I'm feeling very serious about the race. I'm serious because I have to win it. I met Turbo flame, 16 Angels and Speed Racer in the starting lane. Once the race started I drove as fast as I can, and I turned on my boost. My wheels were on fire. The car in front of me destroyed the car that was in front of it and I destroyed the car that was in front of me. The two cars that were destroyed were eliminated from the race. That made me go ahead much faster and catch Speed Racer and Turbo flame.
"Vreeeeeeoooooouuuuu" finally I've made it to the finish line "boooya" shouted the owner of me. He was so proud of me. We got 10,0000 prize cash and went home happily.

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