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Echo clan, Blind company,Scorpius Trio.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One day I was in my car to go to the car wash, when, suddenly three robbers crashed through the bank door into a get away car. The robbers were wearing black shirts and pants and masks. One of them had a gun, two of them had bags full of money. They drove so fast that someone got hit. I followed as the robber with the gun was trying to shoot my wheels. I followed the robbers through a narrow tunnel. When me and the robbers got out of the tunnel, I found myself right next to the robbers get away car. The robber with the gun ran out of bullets and there were no other bullets left in the get away car. I let the robbers crash into a wheel cart with lots of fruits in it, THe get away car bashed through the hweel cart and into the zoo's wall. The get away car was damaged a lot. The police came in a rush. They tool the robbers under arrest. The poilce gave me the position as a detective for my bravery.

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