About Me

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Echo clan, Blind company,Scorpius Trio.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Eagles lucky escape!

One day there lived a king cobra snake. It was swirling in the yellow grass, when an eagle flying above spotted it and the eagle charged towards the cobra to eat it. Before the eagle could eat the cobra, it fired venom from its mouth to the eagles face. Luckily, it escaped with the venom juice on its face to a near by tree. The eagle was sad that it could not catch its prey, but was happy that it was safe....The End.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Anchor Milk! Brain, Body & Bones

This is the picture I drew for the Anchor art competition. The knights are climbing the Anchor tin to drink milk. They need Anchor milk to be strong. Anchor milk helps to make our body fit; our bones strong and our brain smarter. I won first place for this picture.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This is my favourite hotwheels car the "Turbo flame". Turbo flame has a huge turbo boost. It has the coolest paint jobs. My favourite paint job of turbo flame is the one with the fire in red colour. I got "Turbo flame" with a track named "Trail Blazer".