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Echo clan, Blind company,Scorpius Trio.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Elite's Nest

One rainy day, the Spartans (humans with guns and cool Armour) were getting ready to explore a part of the world, where man has been but never returned. "The Bermuda Triangle!!!"
Their enemies, the elites have been tracked there (Elites are a bunch of evil aliens that have long necks and know how to talk. They are trying to take over the Earth). The Spartan commanders ; Spartan 1100 and Spartan 001 with their troops private Matrix, Corporal Izan, Corporal Skywalker, Captain Khalid and Captain Agent X3 have been assigned with the mission. "How long will it take to get there?" asked Matrix (me). It shouldn't take too long." replied Spartan 001 as they took off.

The trip was not as dangerous as expected, no Elites attacked them. But as soon as they flew over the ruins of Africa, an Elite, no two but Elite gunships appeared and attacked! "Get up boys, it's time to rock!" yelled Spartan 110. Skywalker started shooting with the AK-47, he wasn't able to fire at them , so he dodged. Then Matrix and Agent X3 joined the fight. They started doing a cross-fire that managed us to take out their troops. Then Spartan 110 came in with a Bazooka and shot down their ships. "Guess that's over with" said Spartan 110. "We've been hit!" yelled Spartan 001,we braced ourselves and BOOM! we crashed....................................

A few hours later . BANG, BANG and Izaan broke open the ships back door. We got out and checked whether everyone was alright . " Wait commanders!" exclaimed Agent x3. We rushed to the pilots cockpit. Matrix smashed open the glass and they dragged out their the unconscious bodies out of their seats. We had to put them down when we turned around to find that we were surrounded by Elites, Gladiator Elites. They armed themselves and they began shooting. Two Elites were killed and the third one threw a stick grenade. Izaan and Skywalker got hit by it. Four were left now, Khalid and Agent X3 got shot. The ones that shot were killed by Matrix. Then the last two Elites charged and was shot and the one we didn't notice was a Champion. It charged, and before I could shoot it, a lizard jumped on my head and scrambled all over my hair. When I managed to take it off the Elite hit me with his axe and I flew a few feet and landed on something like a pineapple and got unconscious. Then Spartan 001 woke up and shot the Elite in the head.

He was so shocked that they weren't actually in Africa. He knew by the mist that they have landed near the Elites base and were on Bermuda Island. Suddenly pain struck him and he fell to the floor dead. When everyone else, other than Spartan 110 woke up. Agent X3 checked them out. "Their dead," whimpered Agent X3." Well I I guess you and Khalid are In charge," explained Matrix. But suddenly a pack of Elites came out of nowhere and shot the captains and corporals and pummeled Matrix with its beam saber and they all died.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Favorite Halo Reach Spartan

The guy shown above is my favorite, he is called the one and only Six. Oh! and to anyone who played Halo 2 or 3 and has not played Halo reach I have my suspicions.I think Six is Master Chief. Six is known as a Hyper Lethal like mostly everyone who plays Halo and they say there is another spartan with that rank who is master chief. He should be the leader of the noble team not that Weakling Carter! I don't have anything else to say other than that Halo ROCKS!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One day I was in my car to go to the car wash, when, suddenly three robbers crashed through the bank door into a get away car. The robbers were wearing black shirts and pants and masks. One of them had a gun, two of them had bags full of money. They drove so fast that someone got hit. I followed as the robber with the gun was trying to shoot my wheels. I followed the robbers through a narrow tunnel. When me and the robbers got out of the tunnel, I found myself right next to the robbers get away car. The robber with the gun ran out of bullets and there were no other bullets left in the get away car. I let the robbers crash into a wheel cart with lots of fruits in it, THe get away car bashed through the hweel cart and into the zoo's wall. The get away car was damaged a lot. The police came in a rush. They tool the robbers under arrest. The poilce gave me the position as a detective for my bravery.

The ultimate Hotwheel race!

I am a hotwheel car. My name is Spine Buster. I love racing. I am in black and red paint job. I'm in the ultimate hotwheel's race.
Today is Friday, the day of the race. I have to go to the race track at 6:00am. I'm feeling very serious about the race. I'm serious because I have to win it. I met Turbo flame, 16 Angels and Speed Racer in the starting lane. Once the race started I drove as fast as I can, and I turned on my boost. My wheels were on fire. The car in front of me destroyed the car that was in front of it and I destroyed the car that was in front of me. The two cars that were destroyed were eliminated from the race. That made me go ahead much faster and catch Speed Racer and Turbo flame.
"Vreeeeeeoooooouuuuu" finally I've made it to the finish line "boooya" shouted the owner of me. He was so proud of me. We got 10,0000 prize cash and went home happily.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Eagles lucky escape!

One day there lived a king cobra snake. It was swirling in the yellow grass, when an eagle flying above spotted it and the eagle charged towards the cobra to eat it. Before the eagle could eat the cobra, it fired venom from its mouth to the eagles face. Luckily, it escaped with the venom juice on its face to a near by tree. The eagle was sad that it could not catch its prey, but was happy that it was safe....The End.

Saturday, November 29, 2008